ومن الناس والدّواب والانعم مختلفٌ الونه كذلك انما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء انّ الله عزيزٌ غفورٌ ـ

Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

Catatan Penting dari Musyawarah Pleno Hari ke-2

Alhamdulillahilladzi arsala rasulahu bil huda wa diinilhaq liyudzhirohu 'ala dinikullhi walau kariahal musyrikun. Assholatu wassalamu'ala Muhammamad wa'ala aalihi washohbihi.

Sukajadi, Memasuki hari ke-2 musyawarah Pleno DP3MU (30/03), tampak semakin menarik untuk disimak. Karena banyak sekali pandangan ulama yang hadir yang sangat berbobot dan memberikan solusi tepat dalam menyadari dan menyikapi terhadap berbagai permasalahan krusial yang sedang dihadapi kita khususnya selaku ummat muslim, dan manusia secara umum. Sehingga kamipun merasa benar-benar bersyukur karena diberikan Allah kesempatan untuk hadir dalam majelis ilmu dan menyimak penjelasan ayat-ayat yang mulia.

Saat ini nampak semakin jelas dan lantang jalan yang telah Allah bukakan bagi para ‘ulama dan anshorullah yang mendambakan bangunnya Daulah Islamiyah yang mendunia. InsyaAllah melalui upaya mempertemukan ulama-ulama shohih di berbagai belahan dunia secara tahap demi tahap dalam majelis Mudzakarah, maka ‘titik terang’ yang telah tampak di pelupuk mata hamba-hambaNya yang telah diberi kefahamam dan keyakinan mendalam terhadap janji Allah akan semakin terang-benderang. Yaitu di akhir zaman akan tegak hukum Allah secara mutlaq diseluruh permukaan bumi yang dilalui siang dan malam dan tak akan runtuh hingga datangnya assa’ah (qiyamat) sesuai pernyataan 2 hadits yang bersumber dari jalan Tsauban dan Syadad bin ‘Aus yang membayankan Qs. Attaubah ayat 33 :

“Dia yang telah mengutus seorang Rasul dengan petunjuk dan adDien yang haq, untuk didhohirkan (dijayakan) atas semua agama, walaupun orang-orang kafir tidak suka”.

Pada zaman ini digambarkan hadits tersebut hanya ada dua golongan manusia, yaitu mukmin yang dimuliakan Allah dan kafir yang dihinakanNya. Pembendaharaan bumi semuanya keluar dengan mudah dan mendatangkan keberkahan, sehingga ummat menjadi makmur, sampai-sampai sulit untuk menemukan orang yang mau menerima zakat, subhanallah.

Seorang muslim sudah sepatutnya mengutamakan hujjah dari dua sumber pokok, yaitu al-qur-an dan sunah rasulNya diatas semua logika, perasaan, nafsu, dan pendapat-pendapat kebanyakan manusia dalam memandang setiap persoalan yang dihadapkan didepannya. Dengan beriman secara benar terhadap dua panduan pokok ini, maka sudah pasti yang akan memunculkan sikap optimis dalam menjalani hidup, serta jauh dari rasa hina dan duka-cita.

Jikalau sudah jelas bahwasannya semua janji Allah adalah pasti terjadi, seperti masalah keberadaan jannah, neraka, maut, alam qubur, maka alasan atau hujjah apalagi yang akan kita kemukakan dihapanNya kelak? Mampukah kita menghalangi ketetapanNya? Sebagaimana Dia telah mengabarkan kepada seluruh ummat terdahulu akan datangnya rasul terakhir di dalam shuhuf-shuhuf, zabur, taurat, dan injil. Dan pada waktunya Dia membuktikan janjinya tersebut. Maka masihkah ada keraguan dihati hamba-hambanya yang mendambakan cinta, ridho dan pertolonganNya?

Dia Allah telah mengambil janji dan ikrar dari seluruh RasulNya terdahulu agar semuanya mendukung dan mengabarkan akan datangnya seorang rasul pilihan, yaitu Muhammad Sholallahu’alahiwassalam. Maka semua rasul pun berikrar untuk tha’at. Sehingga semua ummat terdahulu benar-benar mendambakan siapakah Rasul tersebut yang akan membawa risalah yang sempurna dengan beberapa ciri akhlaq yang agung. Maka kabar akan datangnya rasul tersebut menjadi ‘buah bibir’ dan dambaan. Hal ini dijelaskanNya dalam beberapa ayat berikut:

”Dan (ingatlah) ketika Allah mengambil perjanjian dari para Nabi sungguh Aku telah mendatangkan dari Kitab dan Hikmah kemudian datang kepada mereka seorang rasul yang membenarkan terhadap apa yang ada padamu, sungguh kamu akan beriman dengannya dan sungguh kamu akan menolong (risalahnya). Berkata Allah kepada para Nabi : ”Apakah kamu mengakui dan kamu mengambil atas demikian ini suatu perjanjian?” Berkata seluruh Nabi : ”Kami berikrar” Berkata para Nabi: ”Maka saksikanlah bahwa aku besertaMU dari persaksian ini” (Qs. Ali Imran : 81).

Jelaslah bahwa tujuan Allah menjelaskan kisah rasul dan ummatnya terdahulu adalah sebagai panduan bagi kita ummat akhir zaman dalam membangun manusia dan kemanusiaannya sesuai fithrahnya sebagai makhluq terbaik dan membaikkan (ahsanu taqwim, Qs.Attin : 4).

Maka tepat sekali bahwa ayat terakhir yang diturunkanNya dalam alqur-an adalah Qs. Almaidah ayat 3 : ”...pada hari ini telah aku sempurnakan Din bagimu dan telah Aku cukupkan atas kamu nikmatKu dan telah aku rihdoi Islam sebagai adDin..”.

Dapatlah kita artikan bahwa panduan hidup yang sempurna telah ada, yaitu Alqur-an dan Sunah yang sudah pasti akan mendatangkan mukjizat dan maziyah (keistimewaan) berupa kebahagiaan hidup di Dunia dan keselamatan di Akhirat kelak bagi siapa yang mengamalkannya. Tidak ada keraguan atas keduanya. Tidak ada yang mampu menandingi cahayanya. Dipundak para ’ulama, Allah meletakkan amanah risalah para rasul. Maka tentu adalah tugas ulama untuk menjelaskan kepada ummat serinci-rincinya tentang kandungan alqur-an yang sempurna hingga akhir zaman.

Karena keawamannya banyak ummat Islam tidak faham hal ini dan sebagian bersikap sceptis (putus asa) menghadapi gejolak kehidupan dan sebagian bersikap agnotis (tidak mau tahu) serta adapula reaktif. Seolah-olah semua jalan telah buntu, sehingga ada yang mengambil jalan pintas dengan berbagai sifat dan sikap emosional buah dari hembusan iblis ke dalam nafsunya. Akibatnya sebagian terjebak dalam berbagai firqoh-firqoh aqidah seperti syiah, tasawuf, liberalisme, dan gerakan politik yang semua arahannya asshobiyah (fanatisme golongan) walau dengan dalih politik islami, namun ujung-ujungnya mengajak kudeta dan revolusi baik secara halus ataupun kasar.
Sadar atau tidak sebagian saudara kita telah menghisap, meminum, dan menelan racun-racun aqidah yang disajikan kuffar untuk menjauhkan ummat Islam dari Kitabullah dan Sunnah, sehingga dengan mudah dapat dikuasai musuh.

Namun yang penting untuk dicermati bahwa semua janji Allah pasti terjadi, suka atau tidak suka, percaya atau tidak percaya. Tinggal lagi masalah waktunya hanya Dia yang Maha Mengetahui.
Oleh karena itu Dia menuntunkan dalam Surah al Insyiqo’yang lafadznya : ”Latarkabunna thobaqon an thobaq” (Sungguh pasti kamu akan melalui proses tahap demi tahap). Maka pertanyaan kapan Daulah Islam Sedunia akan tegak, siapa khalifahnya adalah sepenuhnya haq mutlak Allah, yang terpokok mari kita berupaya secara sungguh-sungguh, terprogram secara benar tahap demi tahap, shabar tanpa memaksakan hasil, ikhlas tanpa merasa berjasa terhadap Islam, karena Allah melarang sikap lupa diri ini.

”Mereka merasa memberi jasa / manfaat kepadamu (Muhammad) dengan keislamannya, Katakanlah janganlah kamu merasa berjasa terhapap keislaman kamu, akan tetapi Allah yang telah berjasa dengan menurunkan hidayah kepadamu untuk beriman, jika kamu orang yang benar” (Qs.Al Hujurat, 49 : 17).


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musyawarah pleno 2 DP3MU

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008

Memahami Kedudukan Rasulullah Muhammad

Berikut ini kami sampaikan sedikit cuplikan tausiyah yang disampaikan Ketua DPMU tentang keberadaan Rasulullah Muhammad bagi seluruh manusia. Serta bagaimana sikap seorang muslim dalam upaya berittiba kepadanya. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.

Kedudukan Rasulullah Muhammad Taurat dan Injil

  1. Dalam Kitab Ulangan pasal 18-20 dinyatakan bahwa akan diutus seorang nabi yang akan membawa kitab dan ajaran yang sempurna dan akan membawa kejayaan.
  2. Kemudian dalam pasal 34 ayat 10, Kitab Ulangan, dinyatakan pula bahwa Nabi yang akan diutus seperti Musa as., tapi bukan keturunan Musa a.s. Artinya seorang Nabi yang bukan keturunan Bani Yaqub seperti Musa namun dari saudaranya Yaqub yaitu Nabi Ismail a.s.
  3. Dalam Injil Yahya pasal 16 ayat 7, Nabi Isa / Yesus menyatakan bahwa :”aku akan segera meninggalkan kalian, karena jika tidak maka tidak akan diutus si Penolong Terpuji. Adapun yang dimaksud Penolong Terpuji apabila dilihat dalam Kitab Injil dari berbagai bahasa dunia ada beberapa versi, antara lain : Paraclitus (Greece / Yunani) ; Trouster (Netherlands) ; Comforter (English), Mouhammana (Ibrani), Muhammad (Arab).
  4. Dalam Injil Barnabas Pasal 96 ayat 4-5, dinyatakan : “Wahai Yesus bicaralah kepadaku, apakah engkau adalah mesias yang dijanjikan itu?. Yesus menjawab : “Bukan, tetapi mesias yang dijanjikan telah ada sebelum aku tapi diutus setelah aku”.
  5. Dalam pasal 96, ayat 7, Injil Barnabas ditambahkan : “sungguh aku akan difitnah dua kali sebagai Allah dan anak Allah”.
Demikianlah bebera nubuwat didalam Kitab terdahulu tentang pengabaran Rasul terakhir penyempurna risalah seluruh Rasulullah. Walaupun Taurat dan Injil sudah dikotori dengan lumpur nafsu dan logika akibat campur tangan manusia tak bertanggung jawab, namun masih ada beberapa mutiara haditsnya yang luput dari hal tersebut. Sikap kita selaku muslim tentunya sesuai dengan pesan Rasulullah Muhammad di dalam haditsnya bahwa terhadap isi Taurat dan Injil yaitu jangan disalahkan semuanya dan jangan pula dibenarkan semuanya.

Beberapa ayat Alqur-an tentang Rasulullah Muhammad

  1. Lafadz ‘Ahmad’ adalah bentuk ism tafdil, artinya ‘paling terpuji’. Lihat Qs. Asshaff, 61:6, “Dan ingatlah ketika Isa bin Maryam berkata : Wahai Bani Israil, sungguh aku adalah utusan untuk kalian, membenarkan kitab terdahulu dan mnerangkan kabar gmbira tentang akan ditusnya seorang rasul setelah aku yang bernama Ahmad”.
  2. Lafadz ‘Muhammad’ adalah bentuk ism fail yang maknanya adalah ‘orang yang memerankan sifat terpuji’, dinyatakan dalam banyak ayat, antara lain Qs. Ali Imran, 3:144, “Dan Muhammad itu tidak lain adalah seorang rasul, sungguh telah diutus sebelum mereka rasul…”
(Disampaikan Ketua DMPU dalam acara sambung rasa Sabtu malam, 29 Maret 2008)

Musyawarah Pleno DP3MU hari Pertama

Dalam Musyawarah Pleno DP3MU hari pertama, Sabtu (29/3) masing-masing anggota Dewan Perancang memberikan tanggapan, saran, dan evaluasi terhadap kinerja Panitia dan langkah-langkah ke depan. Diantara ulama yang memberikan pandangannya antara lain Ust. Orde Jauhari, TSH. Yacob Kornawi, Ust. Chalim Suyuti, KH.Sayid Abdullah, Ust.Abdur Ghafar Guna, Ust.H.Kamari Satam, dan Ust. Muhammad Bardan Kindarto.

Diantara poin-poin penting yang dicapai adalah pandangan yang sama terhadap perlunya menerapkan ajaran Alqur-an dan sunnah dalam setiap sendi kehidupan, perlunya memulai membangun ummat dengan pembenahan aqidah, akhlaq, dan berittiba’ kepada sunah Rasul-RasulNya dalam tehapannya. Sehingga dengan ijinNya Syariat islam akan tegak dengan membangun sistem Imamah dalam Daulah Islamiyah yang meliputi seluruh permukaan buminya Allah.

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Jumat, 28 Maret 2008

Daftar Undangan Musyawarah Pleno DP3MU

SABTU dan AHAD, 21–22 Rabi’ul Awwal 1429 H/29 – 30 Maret 2008 M
Di Yayasan AKUIS Pusat KM.14 Sukajadi ,Talang Kelapa,Banyuasin.

  1. Muhammad Bardan Kindarto                                                                          
  2. Drs.H.M.Kafrawi Rahim                                                                               
  3. K.H.Abdul Gaffar Guna                                                                                  
  4. K.H.Chalim Suyuti                                                                                          
  5. KH. DR. Orde Djauhary                                                                               
  6. K.H.Sondi Senan Duro                                                                                  
  7. K.H. Aby Muhammad Zamry Tuanku Kayo Khadimullah                      
  8. Ir.M.Zakir Hasan,M.Si.                                                                                 
  9. Rizal Yandhi,S.H.                                                                              
  10. Tarmizi                                                                                            
  11. K.H .Kamari Satam                                                                            
  12. Ir.Djak Rahman ,M.Sc.                                                            
  13. Drs.T.G. KH. M. Thoulun Abd. Ra’uf                                             
  14. K.H.Dimyati Usman mq                                                                          
  15. K.H.Muhammad Qudsi                                                              
  16. K.H. Sarippudin, S.H.                                                                                  
  17. K.H. Arief Rachman Badrudin, M.M                                                                
  18. K.H. DR. Amran Jaenudin
  19. K.H. M. Sabil Ra’un
  20. K.H. Mulyadi Sutan Parmato
  21. K.H. Herman Chaniago Sutan Pamuncak
  22. Drs. H. Ulum Burhanuddin
  23. K.H. Anwar Islam, Lc
  24. Drs. H. Daeng Rumaidi
  25. K.H. Sholeh Hamdun
  26. K.H. M. Rustam Effendi, SH, SE, MM
  27. K.H. Muhammad Yaspan Ali
  28. K.H. Drs. H. Rusydi, S.H.
  29. K.H. Sayid Abdullah
  30. K.H. Bujang Kornawi, S.H.
  31. H.S Syaiful Hadi
  32. K.H. Ir. Rusian Heldy Idrus
  33. H. DR. M. Yamin Hasan
  34. H. Abdul Kholiq, BA
  35. K.H. Mukhlis Hayatuddin
  36. K.H. Syarifuddin
  37. K.H. Moch. Atiq Fahmi, Lc
  38. H. Sukarta Nasim
  39. K.H. Arqom A.S.
  40. K.H. Adi Sukmara MK

Suasana Musyawarah Pleno 2



“Fadlilatul ‘Ulama Rahimakumullah”
Throughout the Universe

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Alhamdulillahilladzi kholaqol insa-na fi asani taqwim, waja’all qur-ana hudan lil muttaqin. Wasola-tu wassala-mu ‘ala Muhammadin kho-taman nabiyyin, wa’ala a-lihi washahbihi ajma’in, Wa ba’du.
Verily there are no words we have to say toward Praise of Allah Who has given it to ‘Ulama. We are aware that ”Ulama is the mandate owner of Rasulullah and Allah upon His creatures.” Therefore, we would like to beg Allah for His Mercy and apologize to all ‘Ulama who are exalted by Allah in terms of our simplicity choice of words. It all emerges from the deepest conscience that is motivated by the command from the Direction of Allah and the guidance from Muhammad PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him) in line with his hadits (Good deeds and sayings of Muhammad PBUH).

We are convinced that ‘Ulama has comprehended that the journey of Muslims for the time being has been trapped inside the “pattern and program of infidels” which jeopardize mankind around the world through their globalization process that they have been sophisticatedly designed and built. The cry of “humanity” has been in one voice which is the longing to set free from the colony of infidel-oriented slavery (jibti and thagut) and to be perfectly free as the creature of Allah to get protection from the truth of Islam. What it all comes down to is, of course, going toward the realization of Islam Sovereignty (Daulah Islamiyah) around the world” as Promised by Allah.

It is a fact that the Western world has been in crisis of modern mankind, who obviously intimidate humanity, full of instability, and emptiness. It is because they antagonize Muslims all over the world through all of their alibis such as their brutal action in Middle Eastern countries. And they have purposely accused Muslims who they describe as “insurgent throughout the time” without being proportionally able to explain the cause of it.
Whereas, the reality is that mankind are supposed to know about the sacrifice of Muslim. Unfortunately, the history facts have never been revealed to the surface of mankind where all the sacrifices and struggles of Muslims are only described as lullabies with no concrete evidences. So it is not a mistake if Muslims who will be guided by ‘Ulama to “reconstruct and deconstruct” the past.
Furthermore, it is undeniable that mankind across the globe are in need of Islam because Islam has positive messages such as justice, peace, and brotherhood. Islam always creates concern and affection especially on inter-mankind relationship without discriminating against ethnics, races, nations, or beliefs.

It is tremendously big longing that mankind has upon the awakening of ‘Ulama. Lawfully, ‘Ulamas are heroes of the glory of Islam. It is because they are supposed to be the pioneer in revealing the layer of unreasonable fear (libasul khouf). They have actually prepared themselves as pioneers to draw nearer to Mercy and Wish of Allah. It is their hands that are supposed to be able to unite the glory of Islam with the spirit of awareness. It is even also in their hands that are able to separate between the spirit of passiveness and the spirit of perseverance (jihad).
What a graceful it is to memorize the statement of Muhammad PBUH that ‘Ulama is the mandate owner of Rasulullah Muhammad PBUH and ‘Ulama is the mandate owner of Allah upon His creatures. It is because ‘Ulama has fully comprehended the signal from Allah and comprehensively understand the integrated manner and the guidance of Muhammad PBUH which will mean to have owned intellectual maturity and integrated personality.

Fadlilatul ‘Ulama!

In this very short and simple writing, as a servant of Allah, I’d like to inform my brother ‘Ulamas who are exalted by Allah around the globe that it is in line with the signs Recited by Allah SWT in Al Quran and are also informed by Muhammad PBUH that:
A. The sovereignty of Islam throughout the universe has been established by the messengers of Allah namely Harun (Aaron) and Musa (Moses) based on the Command of Allah (QS Al-‘Araf:160) and then has been ended since the delegating of Isa (Jesus) ibnu Maryam(QS Az Zukhruf:61) as the final journey for the children of Yaqob (Jacob) who is the son of Ishaq (Isac) in carrying out the mandate of the nearest of kin to Abraham (Millah Ibrahim) as recited in QS. Al Hajj:78. Therefore, this is called as the FIRST PHASE of victory of Islam Sovereignty throughout the universe.
B. The next Daulah Islamiyah will be established by Allah with all His Might through the teaching and ideal role model reflected by Rasulullah SAW along with Khulafaur Rasyidin where it is in line with the statement from Muhammad PBUH that Allah will absolutely establish Daulah Islamiyah throughout the world at the end of era on His solely might (valid hadits. Muslim). And this thing will be guided by muttabi’urrasul (the follower of Muhammad PBUH) even though in its process is (and will be) disturbed by the infidels and pagan: The People of the Book namely Jews (QS. Ali Imron:67-69). It is absolute that Allah will give the next leadership to muttabi’urrasul upon mankind throughout the universe through the process of jaddal, munadharah, and mubahala’ as recited in QS. Al Hasyr:2. And then the Daulah Islamiyah will be mandated by Allah to the hands of khilafatul Muslimin (QS.An Nur:55). So, this is called the SECOND and the LAST PHASE of victory of Daulah Islamiyah all over the universe toward the end of era.

Those are all facts that will happen and be implemented in line with the description in Al Quran through the study of Ishmael’s manner in helping to raise the foundation of Ka’bah together with Abraham under Command and Direction of Allah (QS. Al Baqarah:127).

Ya Ikhwan, Fadlilatul ‘Ulama Rahimakumullah!

To achieve the Victory Day promised by Allah, it is a definite obligation to use the main base namely the direction of management from Al Quran as recited in QS. Al Furqon:52 along with its right stages as recited in QS. Al Insyiqaq:19 and valid hadits from Rasulullah as listed in QS. Al Hujurat:7, not with the conflagration or brutality. Those can be achieved with the modesty (tawadlu) of ‘Ulama together with the believers. Because the key for the accomplishment is the direction from the character of Muhammad PBUH and the miracle (Mu’jizat) and privilege (maziyyah) of Al Quran.

The current fact that the direction of al Quran has met with the reality that Allah will elevate this universally leadership, was started from the process of oppression done by pharaoh (QS. Al Qoshos:25). As also a fact of history that muslims of Malay ethnic have suffered from the colony and oppression for more than 4 (four) centuries. And for the time being, Jews and European Union (EU) with their alibis has been attempting to destroy Muslim countries in Middle East. Therefore, it is a MUST that all ‘Ulama of Malay ethnic ‘wake up’ and precisely count the time in facing the programs from The People of the Book through the Meeting (Mudzakarah) of Ulama as recited in QS. Al Baqarah:208.

Based on the signal from the guidance of Al Quran, all ‘Ulama of Malay ethnic must be on the alert to actively support, defend, and follow the ‘Ulama of Malay ethnic summit which will take place in 2010, Insha Allah. This conference is an initial step and will be continued to the summit of ‘Ulama throughout the universe which will take place in 2015, Insha Allah.

All of these will surely work out because they are on the facade of ‘Ulamas who use “transparent spectacles” Al Quran, have witnessed the Promise of Allah at the end of era namely Islam Sovereignty all over the world under the Absolute Authority and Might of Allah.


Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

South Sumatera, 1st of Muharram 1429H
January 10, 2008 AD
Muhammad Bardan Kindarto

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Selasa, 25 Maret 2008


InsyaAllah pada hari Sabtu-Ahad, 29-30 Maret 2008 mendatang akan dilaksanakan Musyawarah Pleno ke-2 Dewan Perancang dan Panitia Pelaksana Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu 2010 M.
Dalam musyawarah ini diundang lebih dari 50 ulama dan dilengkapi oleh tak kurang 80 komponen Panitia inti dari berbagai bidang tugas, bertempat di Auditorium Yayasan AKUIS Km.14.

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2008

MUDZAKARAH ULAMA: Pemugaran Masjid Agung Puyang Awak

Jumat, 21 Maret 2008

Pemugaran Masjid Agung Puyang Awak

Tepat pada 12 Rabiul Awal 1429 H / 20 Maret 2008, Masjid Agung Puyang Awak di wilayah Perdipe, Kec Dempo Selatan, Kota Pagaralam Sumatra Selatan kembali di Pugar. Ditandai dengan peletakan batu pertama oleh tokoh masyarakat dan ‘ulama setempat.
Masjid bersejarah yang awalnya dibangun oleh seorang ’ulama dan pejuang terkemuka pada abad 17 masehi, yaitu Syekh Nurqodim al Baharudin atau lebih dikenal masyarakat sumsel dengan sebutan Puyang Awak.

Beliau adalah ulama yang mula-mula meretas dakwah di suku Pasemah/Basemah yang sebelum masuknya Islam terkenal sebagai masyarakat jahiliyah yang ditakuti masyarakat lainnya karena kebrutalan dan keliaran mereka. Menyamun, menyembelih budak/pacal, menculik wanita dan anak-anak adalah adat yang biasa pasa kala itu. Sehingga seorang penulis barat, Marcopolo (abad 12 M) pun memberi komentar khusus bagi suku ini, yaitu : ”...Basma, where the people’s like a beast without law or religion...” (Basemah, penduduknya bagikan binatang buas, tanpa hukum dan agama..”

Namun dengan berhasilnya dakwah Islam yang dipelopori oleh Cucu Sunan Giri ini maka secara otomatis terjadi perubahan yang besar pada perilaku atau akhlaq penganutnya.

Masjid yang akan dibangun ulang ini direncanakan memiliki berbagai fasilitas tambahan seperti perpustakaan dan ruang belajar. Luas arealnya 70 m x 95 m, sedang luas bangunan utamanya 40m x 40 m. Membutuhkan baiya sekitar 11 milyar rupiah. Maka panitia pembangunan mengharapkan kepada segenap kaum muslimin gara dapat membantu rampungnya masjid bersejarah ini. Dimana pada sekitar tahun 1650 di Perdipe ini telah dilangsungkan Mudzakarah Ulama yang dihadiri oleh utusan ulama dan kesulthanan di Pulau Jawa, Sumatera, dan sekitar 40 ulama melaka guna membuat program dakwah di seluruh wilayah Melayu yang meliputi pulau jawa dan negara-negara asean.

Acara ini sendiri dihadiri oleh ratusan masyarakat sekitar dan tokoh adat serta ‘ulama. Acara diisi dengan pembacaan kalam ilahi, pembacaan ulasan sejarah oleh TSH. Yacob Umar Kornawi salah seorang jurai / keturunan Puyang Awak, Tausiyah oleh Ketua Dewan Perancang Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu 2010 (Ustadz Muhammad Bardan Kindarto) dan peletakan batu oleh Syahrial Oesman (Gubernur Sumsel).

kanan-kiri : Ust.Sondi Senanduro, Yacob Umar Kornawi, Ust.Muhammad Bardan K

tokoh yang hadir pada Peletakan Batu Pertama Masjid Agung Puyang Awak

Rabu, 12 Maret 2008


  • Perlu untuk menyempurnakan keberadaan Anggota Pleno dengan menambah jumlah ‘Ulama dan Intellectual Muslim yang mampu mengadakan kebijakan pengembangan, dalam kepentingan melakukan reorientasi, antara lain:

01. Dari Orientasi Status menuju Orientasi Kompetensi.
02. Dari Orientasi Kwantitatif menuju Orientasi Kwalitatif.
03. Dari Orientasi Kekinian menuju Orientasi Masa Depan.

Dengan yang tersebut akan dapat memberikan gambaran-gambaran langkah yang menjadi masukan untuk suatu keputusan akhir yang sangat positif.

alUstadz. Muhammad Bardan Kindarto (Ketua DP3MU)
  • Menurut petunjuk Al Qur-an, Allah telah menentukan peran ‘Ulama, karena ‘Ulama adalah sosok hamba Allah yang diberi kemampuan dalam memahami terhadap liputan “Kebutuhan Manusia”(:Human Wants), sebagaimana Rasulullah saw telah memberikan gambaran bahwa ‘Ulama itu adalah pemegang amanah Allah atas makhluqNya. (Qs. Fathir : 28 dan Qs. an Nur : 37). Dengan yang tersebut di atas, maka dalam semua program yang telah ditetapkan bersama dalam “DP3MU”, memerlukan pemahamannya tentang pengertian “Satu Bahasa” dalam membangkitkan rasa kepedulian para ‘Ulama terhadap sejarah serta penderitaan ummat.

  • Para ‘Ulama (-‘Ulama Intellect dan Intellectual ‘Ulama-), adalah hamba Allah yang diberi kemampuan untuk menjembatani manusia dalam menuju Kebenaran. Karena betapapun pesatnya kemajuan dunia yang telah berhasil digapainya,maka secara kenyataan akan terjadi, bahwa kaum intellectual yang selama ini mendewakan pemikiran (rasio) sebagai sumber ekspresinya, akan sampai kepada garis batas (klimaks) rasionya. Kemudian pada akhirnya pasti akan mengalami kebosanan dengan kelengkapannya, yang justru secara pasti akan menghantar kepada berbagai keruntuhan dan kehancuran. (Qs. ar Rum : 7 dan an Naml : 66).

  • Hal ini sebagai bukti nyata, bahwa Teknologi Modern yang direkayasa Barat selama ini ternyata telah menumbuhkan “proses dehumanissi”, yaitu hilangannya sifat-sifat kemanusiaan. Maka semua yang tergabung dalam “DP3MU” kiranya dapat mengupayakan “reformulasi” (merumuskan kembali), agar para tokoh Islam jangan hanya sekedar dapat mengumpulkan pendapat para ‘Ulama terdahulu, tetapi juga harus dituntut kemampuannya dalam menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan ummat sekarang berdasarkan panduan Al Qur-an dan Al Hadits Shahih. Karena dalam kenyataan sekarang kondisi Ummat Islam pada umumnya sedang dalam penderitaan, akibat kehilangan kepercayaan dan arah intellectual.

    Maka dengan gambaran ringkas tersebut, akan merupakan suatu harapan bersama, kiranya kepada seluruh ikhwan yang tergabung dalam “DP3MU” yang sangat kami muliakan, akan dapat memaklumi, sehingga masing-masing dapat menyumbangkan pengalamannya dalam bentuk pola pandangan berdasarkan petunjuk Sunnah, guna merupakan masukan yang dapat kita laksanakan bersama kepentingan “li i’la i kalimatillah” melalui proses perjalanan pelaksanaan Mudzakarah ‘Ulama”, sesuai perintah Allah. Insya Allah.-

    Sekretariat Pusat “DP3MU
    di Sumatera Selatan


Silaturahim Ke Ulama dan Kesultanan

Dalam rangka melaksanakan hasil keputusan Rapat Pleno I DP3MU maka Panitia Pelaksana bersama ketua Dewan Perancang Mudzakarah Ulama dan anggota pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Februari 2008 M, adapun yang telah dilaksanakan adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Mengadakan pertemuan dengan Sultan Pagaruyung dan KH. Abi Muhammad Zamry Ulama Kesultanan Pagaruyung pada tanggal 20 Januari 2008 M, di Surau Inyiak Cubadak Kamang Mudik Bukit Tinggi Sumatera Barat Indonesia.

2. Menghadiri acara pelantikan pengurus wilayah Badan Kerjasama Pondok Pesantren Indonesia Propinsi Lampung pada tanggal 27 Januari 2008 M di Masjid Al Furqon Tanjung Karang Lampung Indonesia.

3. Mengadakan dialog dengan lima puluh Ulama di Yayasan Muslimin di Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur Jakarta Indonesia dimana salah satu hasil pembicaraan tersebut adalah diadakannya sosialisasi khusus kepada para Ulama Bandung yang difasilitasi oleh H. Moh. Soleh, sudah disepakati akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Maret 2008 M di Jalan Pasir Muncang No. 37 Dago Atas Bandung Jawa Barat Indonesia.

Ust. Orde Jauhari, Ketua Yayasan Muslimin (Yasmin)

Selasa, 11 Maret 2008


Dewan Perancang – Panitia Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu

  1. Musyawarah Harian ke-VI DP3MU hari Sabtu, 16 Shafar 1429 H / 23 Februari 2008 dibuka oleh Pimpinan Musyawarah (Ust.Ir. Djak Rahman, M.Sc) pukul 10.30 WIB di Auditorium Yayasan AKUIS Pusat.
  2. Setelah tausiyah yang disampaikan oleh Ust.Syahril ’Aini (+ 10 menit), disampaikan laporan kegiatan Musyawarah Harian ke-V oleh Ketua Panpel (Ust. Arbani al Semuntuly).
  3. Disetujui penyempurnaan kepengurusan DPMU dengan menambahkan 5 orang Wakil Ketua, yaitu :
    - Ust. Abdul Gafar Guna
    - Ust. H. Salim Suyuthi
    - Ust. Sondi Senan Duro
    - Ust. Orde Djauhari
    - Ust. Aby Muhammad Zamry
  4. Dalam setiap kunjungan delegasi, disosialisasikan kegiatan / rencana kegiatan MUSM.
  5. Rencana Musyawarah Pleno II hari Sabtu – Ahad, tanggal 29-30 Maret 2008.
  6. Agenda Musyawarah Pleno II, sebagai berikut :
    - Laporan pelaksanaan dan program kegiatan secara tertulis yang telah disiapkan oleh setiap perwakilan.
    - Pemaparan program kerja oleh Ketua Panpel dan Ketua DPMU.
    - Program pendelegasian tugas sosialisasi.
    - Pembahasan, dll.
    - Kesimpulan musyawarah dan penandatanganan Berita Acara Kesepakatan.
  7. Undangan untuk Musyawarah Pleno II dst, diberi catatan bahwa Panitia menanggung konsumsi dan akomodasi selama musyawarah. Artinya tidak menanggung transportasi dari daerah atau kota masing-masing peserta Pleno.
  8. Musyawarah ditutup jam 14.40 WIB.

Panitia Pelaksana
Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu

Ketua Pelaksana Sekretaris

Dto dto

Ust. Arbani al Semuntuly Ust. Budi Sartomo

Senin, 10 Maret 2008

Ulama of Malay Ethnic Conference at 1431 Hijriah / 2010 A.D.



Instruction from Al Qur-an

Verily Allah has provided a number of signaled instructions in order to be correctly comprehended and tracked the meaning of the indications so the faithful devotees can position themselves in accordance with the instruction as recited in:

A. QS. Al Qoshosh:5:
“And (bear in mind), We wished to be gracious to those who were being oppressed in the land, to make them leaders and make them heirs (this earth).”

The implications of the verse are:
01. Colonialism and exploitation of men on men are absolutely human rights abuse will definitely be wiped out because they are against the rule of Allah (sunatullah), and to prove that life in this world is only a play and amusement that will only stir up temporary discharge of ambition and emotion. (QS. Al Hadid:20).

02. It is a learning process and a mental test for those who are oppressed and colonized. Even though the probability will be gradually, but it is no doubt that Allah with His compassion will award the freedom to those who are depressed and occupied.

For that reason, factor of faith and love are basically initial steps to achieve freedom and then, the matter of leadership, which is well-organized based on Ad-Din, will direct to the building up of concrete sovereignty called “Khilafah / Khalifah” as affirmed in “the Promise Of Allah” (QS. An Nur:24). And the Promise will come to a reality.

B. QS. Az Zukhruf : 61-62:
“And (bear in mind that Jesus/Isa) shall be a sign for “as sa’ah”, therefore have no doubt about it, but you follow Me: this is a Straight way; “And let not the evil one hinder you, for he is to you and avowed enemy.”

The implications of the verses above are:
01. The word “HU” is a dlomir ghaib. In this case, it has two meanings, namely:

a. If interpreted as “Al-Quran”, it means Absolute in its perfection (QS. Al Baqarah:106) and obligated to be applied on mankind (QS. Al Jatsiyah:20).

b. If interpreted as “Jesus / Isa”, it gives an absolute meaning of delegating Isa/Jesus as a boundary that Allah will not send Prophets and Khilafah from Jewish descendants any more as they have been cursed by David (Dawood) and Jesus / Isa (QS. Al Maida:78), and the similar creation of Jesus and Adam (QS. Ali Imron:59).

So, the hadits about assigning Isa or Jesus in the Final Day is “MUNKAR (DECEITFUL)” because the source and the content is contradictory with Al-Quran (QS.Al Ahzab:40). Hadits (the saying and the deeds of The Prophet Muhammad PBUH) about the presence of Mujaddid (The reformer) which Allah will create them at the beginning of every 100 years (valid hadits from Abu Daud, Al Hakim, Al Baihaqi from Abu Hurairah) until Allah imposes the enforcement of Islamic law on earth at the discretion of His Mighty (QS.Attaubah:33) and lawful hadits from Muslim based on Tsauban and Syaddad bin Aus.

02. The word “AS-SA’AH” can be explained as Al-Musytarak fihi. It means that it has different understanding according to the position of the verses.
The word Syaithon (Satan) in that verse is the character of the Devil that whispered mischief to the heart of those who don’t like to see the glory of Islam. (QS. Al Hajj:53) where they purposely attempt to deceive Moslems by the hands of Zandaqoh, Jews, and the fiqh hanafiyah mutaakhirin experts where we can find their writings in a library in Halab, Syiria. They have made misleading hadits where the sources are not from The Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

C. QS. Fathir:28:
“And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, they are of various colors. Those truly fear Allah, among His servants are those who possess aptitude (Ulama): for Allah is exalted in Might and Most Forgiving.”

The inference from the verse is that the servants of Allah who have His Bless can understand the truthfulness from Allah that brought by His Prophets (QS.Ali Imron:164), so they will realize the function of themselves as what the Prophet explained that Ulama is the one who possess the mandate from the Prophet (Rasulullah), so that Allah gives commands to carry out the duty of realizing a form of agreement among Muslims around the globe (QS. Al Baqarah:208) gradually through the steps (QS. Al Insyiqoq: 19) toward a structure of Khilafatul of Muslims universally as Allah has decided to expel the disbelievers and mandated the Faithful followers of Muhammad PBUH until the Final Day (QS. Al Hashr: 2). All stated above will come to a reality.

Brief Details

Acquiring several signs from the verses mentioned above, we can gain very important lessons to trace the history of Islam today, especially Malay ethnic that established by the previous Ulama. Even though Malay people were colonized for such a long time by Europeans, the faith of Islam still exists deep in their hearts. It can be proven with the existence of the Islam kingdoms within Malay ethnic, and with their magnificence as the leader of Moslems, they are still honored by the people. The terminologies of Islam still exist such as “Sultan, sultanate, khalifatullah, Panatagama, Kesepuhan, Penghulu, ,Ki-yai” and so on. It shows the form of declaration: Inani-minal Muslimin before the Moslems all over the world (QS.Fushilat:33) and also a form of a motivated intention (QS.Azzumar:11-12). Those facts must be admitted by the followers of Islam particularly for Ulama intellectual and Intellectual Ulama and regard them as priceless treasure and effective tools to rebuild Khilafatul Muslimin in accordance with the management of Al-Quran and Valid hadits. This will be done through the process of Ulama Conference throughout the world which is prepared to have a debate aimed to do munadharah and mubahala’ in countering Center of the People of the Book in the West.

The following can be put as the consideration to trace and duplicate the history of The Prophet’s journey with his followers:

A. The small wars have been happening and affecting our Moslems brothers in Middle Eastern countries. The reality is that the West always attempts to discharge their evil deeds to destroy system of Islam and center of civilization and culture of Islam of Moslem countries in the Middle East.

B. The history of Moslems of Malay ethnic who have experienced misery for centuries under the colony of the People of the Book from the West, so it is the right time and moment for Moslems to clean their hearts from hatred against themselves. Therefore, it is a mandatory to alter things with love, as Promised by Allah Who will impose His set of laws on this rich and productive of its natural resources (The Land of Malay Descendants), insha Allah.
Hence, Ulama Intellectual and Intellectual Ulama should be ready to be relied on by Moslems in executing the mandate of Ad-Din (Islam) and Ad-Dunya (World). By comprehending the signs of Al-Quran and the direction of management, it will indicate of bringing the followers of Islam to become the heirs of this earth under the Will of Allah.


By Muhammad Bardan Kindarto

The Main Basis and Implementation

Referring to the Guidance of Allah as recited in Al-Quran:

1. QS. Al Anfal:73-74

The surah stated above gives a description that there has occurred a process of thought unification or alliance among disbelievers. It proves that they, through their cooperation, put much efforts to unify their interests in destructing Islam and the country of Moslems (QS.Al Hasr:12-14). Facing the infidels’ gesture and effort, Moslems are required to understand system thought by Ad-Din containing of the guidance to move (hijrah) and jihad (perseverance) and the presence of anshor (Local Society) in terms of Shaffan (QS.Ash shaf:4) toward the constructing of Ulu Baqiyyah (The Chosen People = QS. Hud:116)

In defying the disbelievers’ efforts against Islam world, there is Guidance from Allah in building condition of committees as follow:

a. Fixing the committees that encompasses and involves the servants of Allah who have been able to unify their hearts (Tansiq), not to unify their thoughts (alliance), and then possess high and perfect spirit (QS.Ali Imron:200), not the obscure/conditional spirit.

b. Being down to earth and capable to argue based on Al-Quran and own spirit that goes along with their knowledge and always be able to control and to stay away from annaniyah (QS.Al Hujurat:16-17).

c. Each committee is required to work based on their capability (QS.Al Isra’:85).
d. Having concern and willingness to meet for agreement based on vertically and horizontally feeling of togetherness (QS.Asy Ayura:38).

Hence, Ulama of Malay Ethnic Conference has decided and confirmed to follow up the result of the meeting. Therefore, the committees think that it is important to change and make perfect the committees according to their responsibility they have.

A. Organizing Council and Steering Committee of Ulama Conference (DP3MU) consisting of Intellectual Ulama and Ulama Intellectual who will act based on their function.

B. A complete arrangement of committee that rule, explain, and execute the task program according to the direction and guidance from DP3MU toward the realization Ulama of Malay Ethnic Conference.

Then the committees need to invite all the members of DP3MU and all other committees in order to:

01. To get clear clarification and direction from DP3MU to motivate that is in line with Al-Quran and valid hadits.

02. To get clear information and direction about Siyasah in Islam regarding the objective such as the assets of nations and multi dimensional condition, it is necessary to have philosophy of moral tauhid (Islamic Moral) as Moses has divided the Children of Israel to be twelve captains (QS.Al Maidah:12) as like Prophet Muhammad in building partnership with Jewish tribes and others in Madinah after creating tansiq (The Unification of Hearts) with locals society (Anshor) and immigrants (Muhajirin). This system is an undeniable fact (QS.Ali Imron:137).

03. To give understanding about the guidance from Al-Quran surah An Naml 48-51.
The verse gives teaching about the disbeliever program where they create alibi that aims to wipe out the history by playing a role of nine intellectual actors through their evil plans of destroying Islam as what we call Intelligence with their Mafia. It would be impossible to counter infidel’s plan if Moslems only rely on their common sense, violence, and other movement that follows reality of politics: In other words, doing them mean that we are actually under the control of disbeliever’s program, and it means that the movement of Islam will always be fragile and vulnerable to be infiltrated because:

a. They will easily create chaos toward Moslems’ countries and the responsible person is Mr. X who consists of intelligence unit, military, police, and tough.

b. The agency of world intelligence works continually and will always be with them regardless whether they are still active or retired.

c. In case they are in condition of frail or lack of members, they still have a plan of action to overpower their political enemies by abducting those who they think as their political enemies.

Several illustrations of West Programs against Moslems and Moslem countries that they have been trying hard (QS.Ash Shaf:8) are:

A. Euro Centric: A European statement and perception toward Islam World in facing Islam. The executions are performed in two steps, namely:

01. Creating a situation where Moslems regarded as if they are given tolerance, and all Moslem countries regarded as the enemies of European.

02. They obviously regard Islam and Moslems as enemy, and even worse, they will easily get offended when they deal with Moslems.

B. A unique conference in Oslo in 1990: The discussion was about “anatomy of hatred”. It was attended by Nelson Mandela. Their topic was “facing enemy who has similar ideology, but different in approaching the ideology”.

C. Peak Summit of G7 in July 1991 aimed to have power over natural resources, Arab Petrol, and money market. Those have to be dominated by the West World.

D. Theory of Catastrophe in London in September 1991. It discussed about Islam and Moslems are obliged to tolerate on Theory of Eclecticism.

E. In conference of International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism, and Security in Madrid, Spain on March 8-11 of 2005 namely the program of US (Bush) toward Arab World through Egyptian President, Husni Mubarak, called A Crack in The Sphinx calling for Arab Countries to apply direct general election justifying that Arabs has been disgusted with the authoritarianism and dictatorship from Arab leaders.

The purpose is that US government can export “Democracy” to the world of Arab, and if necessary, they will have no doubt to use military power like in Iraq.

History of the Theory

The evil plans from disbelievers can be explained as follow:
01. The word “Religion (agama)” is actually a terminology from the engineering of human logic, so in “the system” itself will create another system that relies on a cause and effect law and desire where it, finally, will create a system called Politics (QS.Nuh:21-24).

02. Contextually, the meaning of “Ad-Din” is a Product of Allah (Robb) and it is definitely not an engineering of human common sense, so it can be concluded that the “system” is from the Guidance of Allah called Siyasah (QS.Asy Syura:13-14).

Referring to those above, there is a significant difference between Politics and Siyasah and they are NOT and will NOT be the same and factually that between those systems there exists a character of antagonism (confronting each other).

Therefore, the program to face mafia with its nine intellectual actors and politics system which the disbelievers are so proud about has to be countered with Nine Representatives (Wali 9) who will explain Ad-Din that relies solely on Al-Quran, not logic.

Main Role of Nine Representatives

The role of Nine Representatives has to encompass the existence of Al-Quran and valid hadits that explain the verses of Al-Quran so it can:
a. Encompass the verses of ‘Ubudiyyah namely its relationship with taqorrub so it can explain any messages of morale law contained that is in accordance with Al-Quran (QS. Al Hajj:67).

b. Encompass the verses of Insaniyyah (Humanity) namely its relationship with the matter of behavior (Behavioral Science) as recited in QS.At Tin:1-8).

c. Encompass the verses of Tarikhiyyah namely its relationship with Social History Science (QS.Ali Imron:137).

d. Include the verses of Kauniyyah namely its relationship with Natural Resources (Natural Sciences) as recited in QS.Ar Rahman:33).

As stated above, we could get understanding of the division of purposes of knowledge (QS.Ali Imron:7) where they are divided into several areas, namely:

I. Practical knowledge means to find the truth of the cause and effect law, so it can be implemented for the sake of world and reality.

II. Theoretical speculative knowledge means to find out the real understanding about the cause and effect of the existence of things.

III. Normative Knowledge means:

a. To formulate the laws based on the relationship of a three dimensional dedications so that it would be understood any of its guidance in accordance with the essence of humanity.

b. To comprehend real manifestation of responsibility possessed solely based on self-within motivation in line with the Guidance of Truth from Allah.

Hence, the Nine Representatives will get easiness in giving any Guidance of Truth directly or indirectly over the various problems occurring in this world, so they can easily to get ideas based on the theorems. It is because the Rules of Allah (Syariat) has been Absolute since Prophet Nuh/Noah (QS. Hud:37), Ibrahim/Abraham (QS. Al Baqarah:124), Musa/Moses (QS. Al A’raf:160), Isa/Jesus (QS. Ash Shaf:14), and Muhammad PBUH (QS. An Nisa:64-65).

Pieces of several theorems:
It has been Decisions of Allah that mankind consists of infidels and Believers, so the theorems below can be the guidance for us:

01. The existence of infidels and believers:
“He Who created you, so there are infidels among you as well as believers. Verily Allah is Most Observing”.

02. Infidels’ efforts to defame the Truth of Ad-Din as recited in Surah Ash Saf:8:

“Their intention is to extinguish Allah’s Light by blowing with their mouths (deception): But Allah will complete (the Revelations of) His Lights, even though the infidels hate (it)”.

03. Infidels’ efforts to mislead the teaching of Al-Quran as recited in QS. Fusilat:26:

“The unbelievers say: “Do not listen to this Qur’an, but talk at random in the midst of its (reading), that you may defeat them!”

04. Infidels’ arrogance of their advanced technology and world institution that only support their interests can be seen in QS. Maryam:73

“When Our Clear Signs are rehearsed to them, the Unbelievers say to those who believe, “Which of the two sides is the best in its position? Which makes the best show in Council?”

05. Their efforts to destruct system, economy, women, and generation as recited in QS. Al Baqarah:204-206:

“There is the type of man whose speech about this world’s life may dazzle you, and he calls Allah to witness about what is in his heart; yet he is the most contentious of enemies (204). “When he turns his back (from you), his aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle. But Allah does not love mischief (205). “When it is said to them, “Fear Allah,” he is led by arrogance to (more) crime. Enough for him is Hell; an evil bed indeed (to lie on)?” (206).

06. Their efforts to convert Believers back to Infidelity. As recited in QS. Al Baqarah:109:
“Quite a number of the People of the Book wish they could turn you (people) back to infidelity after you have believed, from selfish envy, after the Truth has become manifest unto them: but forgive and overlook, until Allah accomplish. His purpose; for Allah has power over all things.”
07. They ally (Unify their thoughts) to destroy Islam and the believers as recited in QS. AL Anfal:73:

“The Unbelievers are protectors one of another. If you (Moslems) do not do What Commanded by Allah, there would be turmoil and great mischief on earth.”

08. They are ambivalent and love to create turmoil among Moslems as recited in QS. An Nisa:91:

“Others you will find that wish to gain your confidence as well as that of their people: Every time they are sent back to temptation, they surrender thereto: If they do not withdraw from you nor give (guarantees) of peace besides restraining their hands, seize them and slay them wherever you get them: in their case We have provided you with a clear argument against them.”

09. They always make various scheme as recited in QS. Ath Thariq:15:
“As for them, They are but plotting a scheme.”

10. They are delegating Nine Intellectual Actors to plan various mischief, assassination, and abduction by using alibi through the role of Mafia as recited in QS. An Naml: 48:

“There were in the City nine men of a family, who made mischief on earth ,and they did not make good deeds.”
Regarding the theorems from Al-Qur’an above, they can be used as main resource of learning which based on ra’yun haq that can encompass any things related such as:

a. The source (Maurid) of the information so that can be known of what the essence is about.
b. Explanation to those who are still in doubt (Majaz Murakkab) so that can be understood about the issues and the directions.

c. The real parallel (Tasybih Syarih) that can be a credible and accurate understanding.
d. The obviousness in terms of approaching the abstract with the exactness so that can create a concrete interpretation.

Those revealed to remind how important to learn (tadabbur) to comprehend the management of Al-Qur’an (QS. Al Furqan:52) so we can get the result of real manifestation from management of Al-Qur’an (QS. Al An’am:153). That way, every infidel’s efforts against Islam and Moslems can be anticipated and dealt with.

Broadening Efforts of Islamic Lecture (Dakwah), Dialogue, and Regeneration

The reasons of broadening the efforts of Islamic lecture and dialogue by Nine Representatives are:
a. Delivering the information explicitly, undoubtedly, and comprehensively in order to support the right ones and to oppose the wrong ones who obviously violate Islamic Law amidst society. This is to emphasize on how important the restoration of humankind through Dakwah (Islamic lecture) (QS. Yusuf:108).

b. Open dialogue to anyone through various discussions. So, it is necessary to master theorems from Al-Qur’an and valid hadits (QS. An Nahl:155). And it is compulsory to guard Ad Din from misleading (QS. Az Zumar: 3). And then it is required to realize steps of goodness in order to anticipate every mischief and deceitfulness (QS. Fusilat:34).

c. Regeneration in terms of comprehending Al-Quran is a necessary effort which ever carried out by the Prophets in executing the mandate, meaning that learning Al-Quran is important (QS. An Nisa:82) so there would be no mistakes in accomplishing the mandate of Ad Din which as a Mercy for all creatures. To attain those, the process will be arranged by Nine Representatives.
By doing those stated above, there will be a process of being Ulu Baqiyyah (QS.Hud:116) in building the character of Islam to the utmost (QS. Fathir:32) so it will be easy to get the comprehension and awareness of Ad Din Al Islam for Moslems toward tathbiqusy Syariah (Opening the curtain/way to the advancement of Islam).

The Objectives of the Points above

A. To unify Moslems’ hearts of Malay ethnic to become “Anshor” in realizing the Ulama of Malay Ethnic Conference and so on.

B. To standardize the steps in building partnership without differing race or beliefs in the Malay’s society as like the Prophet Muhammad exemplified the people of Madinah by creating a written constitution first time in the world as a manifestation of Islamic Moral or Moral Tauhid.

C. Suggesting the awareness of regularly allocating some money (infaq) which is the spirit of jihad (perseverance)

D. Creating and establishing an operational method (manhaj / thariqah / syariah / system) in line with Al Quran and valid hadits that will be a Determinative Decision which will be declared throughout the world.
E. Establishing sensitivity of hearts and awareness in responsibility toward situation in society.

F. Being able to place Al Quran as the leader in the hearts of faithful servants.

All of them above are important because the main duty of Moslems is to work hard to counteract the program and strategy of infidels, so Moslems will get easiness under the permission of Allah in pursuing the Promise of Allah, Insha Allah.

The Basis of Understandings of Establishing the Conference

The Programs of Ulama of Malay Ethnic Conference will be, Insha Allah:

I. “Malay Ethnic” encompasses several regions such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Patani.

II. To formulate the result of seminar into several basis toward the implementation of symposium at Malay ethnic level, and lift it as a guidance toward world institution from the result of conference based on the guidance of Al Quran and valid hadits. Then, the result will be spread to all Ulama around the globe and translated into several languages.

III. To establish “Malay ethnic secretariat” and the possibilities of discussion to complete the organization of committee to pursue the programs of Ulama summit throughout the world.

IV. To design world symposium about various problems related to civilization, economy, siyasah, and technology science. The purpose is to make them as guidance for a controlled institution around the globe.

By completing those above, Insha Allah, it will be a beginning of the implementation of Allah’s Decision as recited in QS. An Nur:55.

Considering the verse, it is a crucial guidance of the meaning of Moslem Khilafatul as supported in the explanations below:

I. According to valid hadits through Abu Sa’id bin Jamhan from Safinah bin Abu Abdir Rahman, The Prophet Muhammad said: “Al Khila-fatu tsala-tsu-na sa’ah, tsumma taku-nu ba’da dza-lika malikan.”

The sources of hadits are from:
= Abu Daud: 4646-4647
= Turmudzi: II:35
= Ath Thohawi: IV:313
= Ibnu Hibban: 1534-1535
= Ibnu Abi Ashim: II:114
= Al Hakim
= Ahmad: V: 220,221
= Ath Thobroni
= Abu Nu’aim

Historical Facts of Kahalifa system:
Kalifah Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq for two years.
Kalifah Umar Ibnu Al Khothob for ten years.
Kalifah Utsman Bin Affan for 12 years
Kalifah Ali bin Abi Thalib for six years
The total was 30 years.

That is what happened in time of Khalifah of Prophet Era and Khulafaur Rasyidin. So for the next, it has to be ruled with the system of khalifah which the system must be in line with Al Quran (QS. An Nur:55) that will be formed throughout the world from khalifatul of Moslems.
So the institution (tandhim) which will follow the trace of khalifah of Prophet Era is the establishing of throughout the world institution (QS. Muhammad:31) where the composition will be Imamah and councils that include with “Ahlul Halli Wal ‘Aqdi” (Ulama Intellectual and Intellectual Ulama) who head Khalifahs who will accomplish the mandate of Syariah in every nations in the world (QS. At Taubah:33). This is emphasized with valid hadits through from Muslim from Tsauban, and Syaddad bin Aus.

II. Organizing Council of institutional throughout the world or “Ahlul Halli Wal Aqdi” will face papacy and United Nations (UN) to do Mujadalah and Munadharah which they will eventually return the mandate of mankind to Islam World as Promised by Allah in QS. Al Hasr:2.

Optimistically, Allah will endorse this and the Promise of Allah is true where it is obliged to be high supported and enforced by the devout servants who unconditionally accept the truth of Ad Din Al Islam. Insha Allah.

Organizing Council of Steering Committees of Ulama Conference (DP3MU)
“Malay Ethnic”
Malay Ethnic
The Establishing of Khalifah System Period II

In accordance with the Guidance of Al Quran: QS. Al Qoshosh: 4

Truly Pharaoh elated himself in the land and broke up its people into sections, depressing among a small group among them ; their son he slew, but he kept alive their females; for he was indeed a maker of mischief.

The verse explains that Pharaoh, with his paradoxical politics, elevated the people of Kifti and, in the meantime, oppressed the children of Israel. Then the children of Israel, with the help of Moses, were given freedom by Allah as recited in QS. Al Maidah:11:

O you who believe! Call in remembrance the favor of Allah to you when certain men formed the design to stretch out their hands against you, but (Allah) held back their hands from you: So fear Allah. And on Allah let Believers put (all) their trust.

Next, the prophet Moses did regeneration to the Children of Israel and divided them into 12 tribes who would be prepared to be 12 sovereign nations to impose Khalifah on earth. Therefore, Allah delegated prophets from the people of Israel until Allah sent Jesus (Isa) as recited in QS. Az Zukhruf:61:

Verily Jesus shall be the sign (for the coming of) the judgment day; therefore have no doubt about the judgment day, but you follow Me. This is the Straight Way.

The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam as recited in QS. Ali Imran:59: and QS. Al Baqarah:30:

“The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam, He created him from dust, then said to him: “Be”: and he was.” (QS. Ali Imran:59)

“Behold, your Robb (Lord) said to the angels: “I will create a Khalifah on earth.” They said: “Will You place there one (Khalifah) who will make mischief there and shed blood?” –While we do celebrate Your Praises and glorify Your Holy (Name)?” Allah said. “I know what you do not know.” (QS. Al Baqarah:30)

Based on this verse, the meaning of Khalifah is the substitute meaning the end of Khalifah era period I. So, it means it will enter the phase II.

Phase II is Moslem Period as recited in QS. Al Hajj:78, QS. Al Baqarah:124, QS.Ali Imran:68 below:
a. QS. Al Hajj:78:
And strive (Jihad) in His cause with sincerity and under discipline strive (Jihad). Allah has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in Ad Din. (Follow) the way (Millah) of your father Abraham. It is He (Allah) Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); That the Messenger may be a witness for you, and you be the witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity (zakat), and hold fast to Allah! He is your protector- The Best to Protect and The Best to Help!

b. QS. Al Baqarah:124:
And remember that Abraham was tried by His Lord (Robb) with certain Commands, which he fulfilled. Allah said, “I will make you an Imam to the Nations.” He pleaded: And also (Imams) from my offspring!” Allah said, “But My Promise is not within the reach of evil-doers.”
d. QS. Ali Imran:68:
Without doubt, among men, the nearest of kin to Abraham, are those who follow him, as are also this Messenger (Muhammad) and those who believe (in
Muhammad) and Allah is the Protector of those who have faith.

Regarding the three verses above, it is clear the Period II is “Muslims”. The question is which Muslims who will hold khalifah period II? Based on the history fact, if we refer to history of period I, then it is Muslims of Malay Ethnic will continue the period II.

Steps for Establishing Khalifah Period II

In line with Al Quran, to re-establish khalifah period II needs to agree with the guidance of Al Quran as recited in QS. Al Baqarah: 208:
O you who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly, and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy.

Therefore it should be initiated by reaching an agreement among ulama around the world. In reaching the agreement, the step is to establish Ulama of Malay Descendants Conference. The purpose is to build a groundwork based on history fact. The effort taken is in line with QS. Fathir:28, which mandated to Ulama:
And so among men and the crawling creatures and cattle, they are of various color. Those truly fear Allah, among His servants, are who have knowledge: For Allah is Exalted in Might and Most Forgiving.

Hence, in establishing the Conference, the steering committees build teamwork with various potential Muslims such as Sultanates of Malay Ethnic. It is definitely reasonable since the glory of Malay sultanates back in time were to spread Islam in the land of Malay and expel infidels who wanted to colonize land of Malay.

Guidance to Build Caliphate

In accordance with QS. Asy Syura: 13, Allah sent the Prophets to establish Ad Din on this earth as recited below:

The same Ad Din He has established for you as that He enjoined on Noah- the which We have sent by inspiration to you – and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: namely, that you should remain steadfast in Ad Din, and make no divisions therein to those who worship other things than Allah, hard is (the way) to which you call them. Allah chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself who turn to (Him).

Prophet Noah.
Initiated through Noah, Allah has imposed syariat. Therefore, enforcing this syariat, Allah has commanded to make an Ark (QS. Hud: 37):

But construct an Ark under our eyes and our inspiration, and address Me no (further) on behalf of those who are in sin: for they are about to be overwhelmed (in the flood).

This verse teaches Muslims that in putting effort to establish Ad Din, it can not be mixed with engineering of thought. In other words, every step taken has to be in line with the guidance of Al Quran.

Prophet Abraham
Continued to Abraham as recited in QS. Al Baqarah: 124:

And remember that Abraham was tried by His Lord (Robb) with certain Commands, which he fulfilled: He said, “I will make you an Imam to the Nations.” He pleaded: “And also (Imams) from my offspring!” Allah answered: “But My Promise is not within the reach of evil-doers.”

The above verse gives teaching about Leadership (Imam) that Allah sent Abraham and his generation as Imam (leader) for mankind throughout the world known as khalifatul of Believers (Mukminin). This system will be elevated after the establishing of agreement among Ulama around the world. (QS. Al BAqarah:208):

O you who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy.

The next step is to encourage Papacy and United Nations (UN) a dialogue. And then, Allah will impose consternation on them which they will leave their system and go back to Islam Syariat on their own request. And eventually, in every race of nations will be appointed a khalifah to enforce regulations of Islam along with their people as recited in QS. An Nur:55:

Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds that He will, of surety, grant them in the land, inheritance of power, as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their Ad Din-the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they lived, to one of security and peace: ‘They will worship Me (alone) and not associate anything with Me. If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked.

Prophet Moses
The Decisions of Allah on Moses are recited below:

a. QS. Al Maidah: 11===> Independence
O you who believe! Call in remembrance the favor of Allah to when certain men formed the design to stretch out their hands against you, but (Allah) held back their hands from you: So fear Allah. And on Allah let Believers put all their trust.

b. QS. Al Maidah:12===> Regeneration
Allah took has taken the Covenant from the Children of Israel, and We appointed twelve captains among them. And Allah said, “I am with you: If you (but) establish regular Prayers, practice regular Charity, believe in My Messengers, honor and assist them, and loan to Allah a beautiful loan, verily I will wipe out from you your evils, and admit you to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath; but if any of you, after this, resists faith, he has truly wandered from the path of rectitude.”

c. QS. Al A’raf:160 and QS. Al Maidah: 66===> The prosperity in time of the performance of Islam Syariat at every race of nations.
We divide them into twelve tribes or nations. We directed Moses by inspiration, when his (thirsty) people asked for water: “Strike the rock with your staff”, out of it there gushed forth twelve springs: each group knew its own place for water. We gave them the shade of clouds, and sent down to them manna and quails.” (Saying), “Eat of the good things We have provided for you”. To us They did no harm, but they harmed their own souls.

If only they had stood fast by the Law of Torah, the Gospel, Al Quran that were sent to them from the Lord (Robb), they would have enjoyed happiness from every side. There is from among them a party on the right course: but many of them follow a course that is evil.

The Prophet Jesus (Isa)
In line with Al Quran Surah Al Hujurat: 13:

O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and a well acquainted (with all things). .
This verse teaches the importance of nation relationship. To strengthen the relationship, morality is the main factor and the delegating of Jesus is the limit or the end (QS.Az. Zukhruf: 61) of the Prophets from the Children of Israel.
“Verily Jesus shall be the sign (for the coming of) the judgment day; therefore have no doubt about the judgment day, but you follow Me. This is the Straight Way.”

The Prophet Muhammad PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him)
The Prophet Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophet till the Final Day as recited in QS. Al Ahzab: 40:

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men. But he is the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: And Allah has full knowledge of all things.

The Prophet Muhammad is the role model for all human activities as recited in QS. Al ahzab: 21:
You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of Allah.

Muhammad PBUH is one who brings the most perfect belief that can cope with all mankind’s problems in this world (QS. An Nisa:105):
We have sent down to you the Book in truth that you might judge between men, as guided by Allah: So be not as an advocate for those who betray their trust.

Muhammad PBUH is one who brings the most perfect Islamic Law (Syariat) that can deal with all mankind’s problems on earth (QS. Al Jathiya: 18):

Then we put you on the right Way of Ad Din: So you follow that (Way/syariat), and do not follow the desires of those who do not know.

We are obliged to obey Muhammad PBUH in accordance with the Will of Allah (QS. An Nisa:64):
We did not send a Messenger but to be obeyed, in accordance of with the Will of Allah. If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come to you and asked Allah’ Forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Most Returning, Most Merciful.

Muhammad PBUH brings prosperity for all mankind in this world (QS. Al Anbiya:107):

We sent you not, but as a Mercy for all creatures

I. Steering
The steering of “Ulama of Malay Ethnic Conference” is the committees who are continually be perfected. (The list of Organizing Council of Steering Committees is enclosed)

II. Participants
The participants of conference are targeted of 500 Ulama who consist of Ulama and Sultanate from various countries that have been contacted by the committees. They are approximately as follow:
1. Indonesia : 300 people
2. Malaysia : 81 people
3. Brunei Darussalam : 9 people
4. Thailand : 9 people
5. The Philippine : 9 people
6. Singapore : 9 People
7. Others : 83 people

III. Time and Place of Conference

The conference will be held on 1431 Hijriah / 2010 AD in South Sumatra, Indonesia.

IV. Fund

a. Finance is supported by regular charity (infaq) from the steering committees, Muslims, donator, and irregular sponsor.
b. Fund raising can be deposited through fund raising section or directly through Below is the Bank Account which are provided by the committees.
 Bank Muamalat, Branch: Palembang. Account No: 3610174522
 BRI, Branch: A Rivai, Palembang

V. Closing
In brief, it is obvious that the objective of Ulama of Malay ethnic Conference initiated by Organizing Council of Steering Committees is enclosed.
Conference is to build a way based on history facts which will be constructed by Ulama and sultanate of Malay ethnic and devout Muslims as a way for the manifestation of Ulama agreement around the world who will draw a pattern for khilafatul of Muslims for all nations in this world in accepting the Promise of Allah which is the enforcement of Islamic Law on all mankind as recited in QS. At Taubah: 9:33.

Sukajadi, November 2007


Head Secretary

Arbani Al Semuntuli

Copy by :



To Ikhwan ‘Ulama and Ahli Dzikir
Who are exalted by Allah SWT,

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

First of all, praise be to Allah, shalawat and salam to Rasulullah, Muhammad PBUH and his friends and all the followers as well. Secondly, with all due respect to all my brothers, hopefully Allah always grants His guidance and shelter to His servants who are sincere to hold the mandate of Rasulullah. It is because the credibility of ‘Ulama in giving taushiyah and tadzkirah has been waited by Moslems and the people in general. In addition, only to ‘Ulama the Prophet has given the mandate of the truth of Al Qur’an and Al hadits.

Therefore, the purpose of this open letter is that I would like to encourage you to thank Allah (tasyakur) for all the privileges and praise given by Allah that has been bestowed to His trustworthy servants, so that we will continue the guidance of the Prophet in accomplishing the mandate of Ad-Din and Ad-Dun-ya in a way to guide Ad-Din Al Islam toward the promise of Allah SWT namely the absolute Islamic law enforcement upon humans around the globe until end of the time where the unconditional Islamic law enforcement will divide the existence of people into two parts, namely Believers who are exalted by Allah and infidel who are disgraceful before Allah as stated in a valid hadits of the Messenger: recite

“Verily Allah will glorify the command (Islam) in every parts of the globe. And Allah will not allow every city and remote villages but Allah will endow Ad-Dinul Islam to that areas. Allah exalts humans who hold the faith of Islam and disgraces humans who reject the faith.” (Hadits from Muslim, Turmudzi, and Abu Dawud obtained from Tsauban and Syadad bin ‘Aus).

Something has been indicated by Allah in Al Qur’an (QS. Attaubah:33):

“It is He (Allah) Who has sent his Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth to proclaim it over all creed (religion), even though the Pagans may detest (it)”.

And then the process of it has even been assured as described in Al Qur’an (QS. Al Hashr:2):

“It is He Who got out the infidels among the People of the Book from their homes at the first gathering (of their forces). Little did you think that they would get out: and they thought that their fortresses would defend them from Allah! But the (wrath of) Allah came to them from quarters from which they little expected (it), and cast terror into their hearts, so that they destroyed their dwellings by their own hands and the hands of the Believers. Take warning, then O you who possess aptitude.”

It is in fact that Allah has given a special praise to ‘Ulama as recited in Al Qur’an (QS. Fathir:28):

“And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, they are of various colors. Those truly fear Allah, among His servants, who have knowledge (‘Ulama): For Allah is exalted in Might and Most Forgiving”.

Furthermore, Allah has given admiration in His Prominence namely toward Ahli Dzikir or it’s more popular with the terminology of intellectual ‘Ulama through two verses (ayat) with similar implication: QS. An Nahl:43 and QS. Al Anbiya:7, namely:

“ Before you (Muhammad), also, the Messengers We sent were but men to whom We granted revelations: If you do not realize this, ask Ahli Dzikir (intellectual ‘Ulama).
Hence, with the guidance as stated above, we could say how important the position of ‘Ulama intellectual and Intellectual ‘Ulama in building the world society. As a result, both of them who are affirmed by Allah shows that the existence of Al Qur’an has been confirmed by Allah as the substitute of the previous Holly Books (QS. Al baqarah:106):

“None of Our revelations do we abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: don’t you know that Allah has power over all things?”

So, Insha Allah we accept positively all His assertions as a norm of law over human beings as recited in Al Qur’an (QS. Al Jatsiyah:20):

“These (Al Qur’an) are norm of laws to men, and a Guidance and Mercy to those who are convinced.”

Acquiring some verses mentioned above, there is relevance between the history of human beings from time to time that those always under the guidance of the Messenger because verily Allah insists it. With those facts, it has to become important lessons for those who possess the mandate of the messengers. We could learn from history that how all the destruction upon human beings and how Allah has positioned His operational method to His Messengers so that the restoration can be done and implemented well and correctly by the Messengers under the authorization of Allah.

These days, Allah do not send new messenger after Muhammad PBUH who He declared as the last prophet. And Allah will not deliver new Revelations after Al Qur’an. Meaning that it is our responsibility Mandated by Allah to His servants Who He praises as Khoiru Ummah, Antum Al A’launa and Ijtaba which means Ishtofa. Therefore, it is ‘Ulama intellectual and intellectual ‘Ulama who can comprehend that information. In short, the restoration of humankind and humanity has been authorized to those of two groups due to their comprehension upon the existence and purpose of Al Qur’an and His Messengers’ instruction.

So this is the time that both ‘Ulama intellectual and intellectual ‘Ulama (Ahli Dzikir) should lead humankind together solely for the integration beloved Moslem’s country and guard the wealth of its natural resources. And our beloved generation has a longing for advice, leadership, and direction from ‘Ulama Intellectual and Intellectual ‘Ulama. Hence, let us unite our heart (tansiq) and hold a meeting (Mudzakarrah). We wish Allah will guide and endorse us all.
It is definitely reasonable to inform my beloved brother, ‘Ulama Intellectual and Intellectual ‘Ulama, that:

01. Concerning the weakness of Islam world, it is needed precise concepts that have to be in accordance with Al Qur’an. With no intention to neglect any efforts that have previously been accomplished by ‘Ulama and Moslems such as Islamic Conference which its hub in Mecca and also Islamic Conference Organization, the efforts have not shown achievement desired by Moslems which it is because of the performance of Islam world is still in uncertainty. Moreover, the western governments generally assume that Islam is a threat. Thus, it makes them in all ways to create endless conflicts upon Moslem countries and Moslem themselves.
Facing that matter, it is important to have an agenda for increasing the ability to anticipate, and the ability to manage various problems, challenges, and a variety of new trends that are sensed by Islam world and Moslems in general. The steps should be in accordance with Al Qur’an and valid Al Hadits.

02. The territory of beloved Moslem countries is mostly in strategic locations, fertile, and rich of their natural resources. Because of that, it is an absolute responsibility specially for Ulama Intellectual and Intellectual Ulama to formulate an operational method based on Al Qur’an and valid Al Hadits purposely to defense and return these assets back to be the wealth and legacy for Moslems from generation to generation and to become big countries that can control humanity programs and civilization to all humankinds all over the world.
Those who don’t have faith do not want to be held accountable for their own country and generation and they are so apathetic on the significance of liberty where they sell the richness of the country to foreign country. They even attempt to breakdown and separate the country into small pieces. And finally they give an opportunity to foreigners to dominate and subordinate Moslems.

03. Verily if there was no Prophet then there would not be Al Qur’an, and of course it would be impossible that Allah delivered Islam. And we, as the followers of the prophet, would have not known Islam. So it’s an odd that those who accept Islam as their faith but refuse to acknowledge Al Qur’an and valid Al Hadits as their guidance.
It is a reality, the passage of the society of Islam world these days, that majority of those who accept Islam but ironically they have become a caricature of a civilization. It is caused by the spread of western civilization which called as schizophrenia culture that truly influences and it has become dominant and universal expression of humankinds where its spread is through an incredible weapon which is Media, particularly television.
Verily the western civilization is derived from the history of Europe where its vision toward the world was about racism, personal identity, and nationalism. And then they have a priority over their advancement in technology which they neglect morality and religion. Unfortunately, we have to admit that we, Moslems, have no ability to protect ourselves due to our lack of understanding the character and goal of the media attack.

As a result, the consequence we suffer is that the condition of Moslems today is still incapable in a way to explain the longing for achieving the satisfaction of responsibility of history hope. It is caused by that we have not successfully found yet the way to explain to Moslems in how to implement their faith toward Islam.

Therefore, to cope with all mentioned above, it is necessary to understand the signals for jihad (work hard or perseverance) in preparing and restoring the condition of humankind through a process of well-planned Islamic teaching, in elevating the value of Islam to the surface of humankinds’ vision with intention to both anticipating all non Islamic ideas and embracing the Promise of Allah until the end of the time (QS. Attaubah:33) with its total enforcement solely upon the Authorization of Allah (QS. Al Hasr:2).

For that reason, with all due respect and imploring the Mercy of Allah, I, the servant of Allah, encourage my brothers who are exalted by Allah namely ‘Ulama Intellectual and Intellectual ‘Ulama to hold meeting (Mudzakarah) together in discussing this extremely serious problem with the interest of re-establish the objective and image of Islam toward Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin upon humankinds. Hopefully Allah will endorse and bestow all what has become His Promise in the life of this world.


Wassalamu’alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

South Sumatera,
From a servant of Allah,
Muhammad Bardan Kindarto

AKUIS (Mandate of Prosperity of Moslem) Foundation-Center
Jalan Raya Palembang-Betung, KM.14
Sukajadi, South Sumatera.
Phone: 62-711-432111

Rabu, 05 Maret 2008


A. Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu Upaya Menjemput
Janji Kemenangan Islam dari Allah SWT

“..Sesungguhnya yang paling takut kepada Allah di antara hamba-hamba-Nya hanyalah Al Ulama” (QS Fathir, 35 : 28).

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, kamu adalah anshorullah (pembantu program Allah), sebagaimana telah berkata Isa ibnu Maryam kepada Hawariyun (sahabat-sahabat Nabi Isa as) : siapakah di antara kamu yang mau menjadi anshorullah? Maka berkata hawariyun, “Kami (bersedia) menjadi anshorullah..” (QS As Shaff, 61 : 14).

Dewan Perancang dan Anggotanya dari berbagai wilayah Rumpun Melayu

B. Seruan dan Ajakan kepada Ulama dan Segenap Umat Islam Dunia.

wilayah geografis rumpun melayu

1. Apa pengertian dari Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu?

a. Mudzakarah akar katanya TADZKIROH (QS Al Haqqoh, 69 : 48) yang artinya saling mengingatkan dalam kebenaran. Sedangkan Al Qur-an sendiri menyatakan “al haqqu min Robbikum” (Kebenar-an itu hanyalah yang berasal dari Rabb kamu). Maka pokok bahasan dalam mudzakarah ini adalah kebenaran mutlak yang berasal dari Allah SWT, yaitu Al Qur-an.

b. Ulama, berdasarkan QS Fathir, 35 : 28, dinyatakan : “Sesungguhnya yang paling takut kepada Allah d iantara hamba-hamba-Nya hanyalah al Ulama”. Dan menurut hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw : “Ulama adalah pemegang amanah para Rasul”.

c. Rumpun Melayu, jika disimak dalam QS Al Hujurat, 49 : 13, dinyatakan di sana : “Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan, dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan berkabilah-kabilah untuk saling kenal-mengenal/ bekerja-sama. Sesungguhnya yang paling mulia d iantara kamu di sisi Allah adalah yang paling bertakwa.”

Maka Rumpun Melayu adalah salah satu bagian rumpun bangsa dunia yang besar di antara rumpun bangsa-bangsa lainnya seperti, Arab, Eropa, Afrika, dst.

2. Mengapa dilaksanakan Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu?

Kandungan Al Qur-an antara lain adalah ayat-ayat mengenai Ubudiyah (tata cara beribadah), Insaniyah (perilaku manusia), Kauniyah (Iptek), dan Tarikhiyah (sejarah).

Alasan pertama, Allah memerintahkan kita untuk mempelajari sejarah perjalanan umat manusia sejak pertama diciptakan sampai akhir zaman untuk dijadikan landasan pokok dan pengajaran dalam menepati cara mengabdi secara benar kepada-Nya. Sedangkan tujuan kita diciptakan tidak lain untuk mengabdi kepada-Nya dengan segala liputannya (QS Adz Dzariyat, 51 : 56).

Alasan kedua, yaitu dalam QS Fushilat, 41 : 11-13, dinyatakan bahwa bumi dan langit semesta telah bersumpah setia kepada Allah untuk hanya rela diatur di bawah aturan-Nya. Jika manusia yang jasadnya merupakan bagian dari keduanya tidak mau tunduk dibawah aturan Allah, maka Bumi dan Langit diberi-Nya kewenangan untuk mengingatkan dengan berbagai kejadian alam seperti banjir, letusan gunung, gempa, angin, hujan, petir, dsb.

Alasan ketiga, manusia diciptakan Allah secara fitrah untuk memeluk Islam, jika tidak mau menerima aturan Islam secara keseluruhan, maka akan terjadi kegoncangan dalam kejiwaan/psikologis dan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat (QS Ar Rum, 30 : 30).

Alasan keempat, ruh manusia sebelum ditiupkan Allah ke dalam kandungan sang ibu, telah mengaku/ bersumpah setia kepada Rabb (Allah) untuk diatur menurut aturan-Nya (QS Al A’raf, 7 : 172).

Alasan kelima, bahwa bumi dan langit siap memberikan keberkahan/kesejahteraan setiap negeri-negeri jika penduduknya beriman dan bertakwa, sebaliknya jika mereka berdusta maka terjadi bencana karena perbuatan mereka sendiri (QS Al A’raf, 7 : 96).

Alasan keenam, Allah telah menjadikan/ menugaskan umat Muslim untuk menjadi Khalifah fil Ard (Pemimpin/Pengganti/Pewaris di muka bumi) melalui beberapa tahapan ujian dan criteria yang dinyatakan-Nya dalam beberapa ayat : QS Al Baqarah, 2 : 30 ; QS Al Anbiya, 21 : 105 ; QS Al Ahzab, 33 : 27 ; dan QS Al Hasyr, 59 : 2. Sedangkan jika yang memimpin dan mengatur manusia dunia ini bukan dari kalangan hamba-hamba Allah yang beriman, tetapi diserahkan kepada orang-orang kafir yang memang bukan ahlinya, maka akan selalu terjadi kekacauan masyarakat, kerusakan, penjajahan, peperangan, dan bentrokan dengan kehendak alam (QS An Naml, 27 : 48 ; QS Al Baqarah, 2 : 204-205).

Alasan Ketujuh, Allah telah mencatatkan sejarah bahwa seluruh bangsa yang berjaya terdahulu selalu dipimpin oleh para Nabi dan Rasul-rasul-Nya. Sekarang Nabi dan Rasul-Nya sudah tidak diutus-Nya lagi, maka Dia mengamanatkan untuk memimpin, bertadzkiroh, bertausiyah hanya kepada para Ulama (QS Fathir, 35 : 28 dan Al Hadits).

Alasan Kedelapan, lafadz “jaala” (dijadikan) dalam kalimat “inni jaailun fil ardi khaliifah” (QS Al Baqarah, 2 : 30) dalam kaidah ilmu tafsir memerlukan proses/tahapan. Maka hamba Allah yang akan dijadikan-Nya khalifah akan diuji dengan bermacam cobaan kesulitan hidup yang tujuannya untuk membangun ketegaran dan kesabaran jiwa dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas besar nantinya.

Alasan Kesembilan, hanya ada dua sejarah bangsa-bangsa di dunia yang mengalami ujian terberat dan terlama dalam penjajahan dan penindasan oleh orang-orang kafir. Pertama, bangsa Israil pada zaman Rasulallah Musa as, yang dijajah Bangsa Qibti/Mesir dibawah pimpinan para Fir’aun. Dan yang kedua, Bangsa kuffar pada abad ke 16–20 dengan restu Consili Paus mengadakan Perang Salib untuk menjajah bangsa Bangsa Melayu selama sekitar 400 tahun.

Setelah upaya penjajahan dan peperangan sekian lama, maka Allah berkehendak menjadikan orang-orang beriman, beramal sholeh serta berjihad dan shabar diantara mereka menjadi pemimpin dan pewaris bumi (QS Al Qoshosh, 28 : 4-5 ; QS An Nur, 24 : 55). Sejarah mencatat banyak nabi, rasul, serta raja-raja yang diangkat Allah dari Bani Israil sampai datangnya Rasulallah Isa as, sebagai pembatas akhir (QS Az Zukhruf, 43 : 61). Maka kemudian Allah mengganti perutusan dari Bani Israil dengan datangnya Rasul terakhir Muhammad saw dari Bani Ismail. Maka kepemimpinan umat manusia di akhir zaman tentunya ditetapkan Allah dari umat Muhammad saw yang menepati kaidah sebagai pengikutnya (muttabi’ur rasul) secara benar.

Alasan Kesepuluh, berdasarkan hasil penelusuran sejarah oleh “Tim Ekspedisi Pelacakan Sejarah” Panitia Pelaksana Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu, maka diperoleh data-data sebagai berikut :

Pada sekitar tahun 1650-1652 M telah terjadi Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu di daerah Pardipe, Sumatera Selatan yang dihadiri utusan-utusan Ulama Serumpun Melayu. Tema yang dibahas adalah bagaimana mendakwahkan Syariat Islam kepada masyarakat yang umumnya masih awwam dan memegang tradisi leluhur. Di samping itu mempersiapkan kader-kader ulama yang mampu memimpin umat ke arah yang benar dan mampu mengantisipasi ekspansi kolonialis Eropa di tanah melayu.

Ulama-ulama yang hadir antara lain, 40 orang yang berlayar dari Johor, utusan Sultan Agung Mataram (Raden Seto dan Raden Khatib), Utusan Kesultanan Pagaruyung (Tuanku Ahmad Pendekar atau Puyang Pagaruyung), dan Syekh Nurqodim al Baharudin atau Puyang Awak sebagai pelopor pertemuan ini. Diantara rumusan yang dihasilkan yaitu semboyan “semende panjang basemah libagh” dan “tujuh ganti sembilan gilir”, yang memiliki makna “satu ikatan keluarga mukmin yang menyebar dengan mendakwahkan Dinul Islam” dan “Tujuh Generasi, Sembilan Pergiliran Kesultanan”. Terbukti bahwa setelah tujuh generasi atau 350 tahun kemudian (satu generasi 50 tahun) dan sembilan pergiliran Kesultanan Mataram, maka berkat rahmat dari Allah, bangsa penjajah Eropa dapat diusir dari bumi Melayu.

Maka Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu sekarang ini adalah semata-mata melaksanakan perintah Allah SWT, serta sebagai upaya napak tilas sejarah tempo dulu guna melanjutkan tongkat estafet jihad para ulama pendahulu kita (QS Ali Imran, 3 : 169).

3. Siapa sajakah peserta Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu?

Ada dua golongan yang berperan dalam jalannya Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu, yaitu Ulama dan Anshorullah. Ulama tugasnya sebagai pemimpin, memprogram, dan mengarahkan jalannya Mudzakarah. Sedangkan Anshorullah adalah umat Muslim pada umumnya yang siap mendukung program yang telah dirancang dengan pengorbanan harta dan potensi/ kemampuan pribadi masing-masing secara optimal (QS Ash Shaf, 61 : 14).

pleno I persiapan Mudzakarah Ulama 2010

Mengingat petunjuk dalam QS Al Anfal, 8 : 73-74, bahwa kuffar saling bantu-membantu sesama mereka untuk mengadakan kerusakan di muka bumi, maka umat mukmin diperintahkan Allah untuk saling bantu-membantu dalam menolong Dinullah dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dari mereka (QS At Taubah, 9 : 71). Mengingat bahwa persatuan kuffar hanya disebabkan kesamaan kepentingan nafsu dan materi, tapi hati mereka bercerai-berai dan bermusuhan/aliansi (QS Al Hasyr, 59 : 14). Sedangkan persatuan mukmin adalah hati mereka/tansiq (QS Az Zumar, 49 : 10).

4. Dimana dan kapan pelaksanaan Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu?

Rencana pelaksanaan Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu Insya Allah bertempat di Pardipe Kota Pagaralam, Sumatera Selatan pada tahun 2010 M.

5. Bagaimana tahapan program kerjanya?

Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu adalah sebuah wujud jihad (kerja sungguh-sunguh) dari umat Muslim yang telah melalui beberapa tahapan kerja dan insyaAllah dilanjutkan dengan beberapa program peningkatan. Diawali dengan proses taddabur/telaah Al Qur-an secara rutin sejak tahun 1993 di Yayasan AKUIS Pusat, maka didapatkan pemahaman bahwa tiap pribadi muslim dituntut Allah untuk mengangkat Dinul Islam ini ke permukaan pandangan umat manusia sedunia. Maka jama-ah pengkajian Islam di Yayasan AKUIS bersama komponen umat Islam di Sumatera Selatan menggagas pertemuan Umat Islam yang bertajuk “Kongres Umat Islam Sumatera Selatan” pada 28-30 Syawal 1422 H/12-14 Januari 2002 M. Acara yang bertempat di Asrama Haji Km-9 Palembang yang lebih dari 300 orang utusan dari berbagai komponen Ormas Islam, Muballigh, dan Ulama menghasilkan beberapa rumusan kerja dan keputusan. Antara lain meng-amanahkan kepada panitia untuk mengundang para ulama se-Sumatera untuk bermudzakarah.

Maka pada 4-6 Shafar 1427 H / 4-6 Maret 2006 dilaksanakanlah “Mudzakarah Ulama se-Sumatera” di Asrama Haji Palembang. Tahapan selanjutnya maka insya Allah akan dilaksanakan “Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu” tahun 2010, lalu “Mudzakarah Ulama Sedunia”.

Setelah tahap ini maka ulama akan merumuskan beberapa tahapan selanjutnya guna menyongsong janji kejayaan Islam di Akhir Zaman hingga datangnya Qiyamat yang tak akan surut lagi, seperti yang dijanjikan Allah dalam QS At Taubah, 9 : 33 dan dijelaskan Muhammad Rasulullah dalam beberapa hadits shahihnya riwayat Muslim, dari jalan Tsauban dan Syaddad bin ‘Aus.
Demikianlah kutipan ringkas Profil Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu. Maka marilah kita umat Muslim secara bersama memenuhi ajakan Allah untuk benar-benar membuktikan pengabdian kita kepada-Nya secara tulus menurut aturan dan hati yang ikhlas (QS Al Anfal, 8 : 24). Dengan melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam program Mudzakarah Ulama Serumpun Melayu. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai pemahaman program ini dan cara berpartisipasi di dalamnya silakan menghubungi alamat di bawah ini :

Sumatera Selatan, Syawal 1428 H
November 2007 M
Alamat Sekretariat :
Komplek Yayasan
Amanat Kesejahteraan Umat Islam (AKUIS) Pusat
Jalan Raya Palembang–Pangkalan Balai KM 14
Kelurahan Sukajadi, Kecamatan Talang Kelapa
Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia.
Telpon 0711-432111
Link :
Infaq : Panpel Mudzakarah
- Bank Syariah Mandiri CAPEM 16 Ilir Palembang
Rek.No. 0980010078